Walk The Line

A lot has been made of Reese Witherspoon's performance as June Carter Cash. And rightly so. She was excellent. But so was Joaquin Phoenix as Johnny Cash. Joaquin sounds so much like Johnny, that if I didn't know any better, I would've thought they dubbed Johnny's voice in. There's a lot of singing in this movie, and the vocals are great, across the board.
The movie was good, but, like so many other true stories of musicians, the tale remains the same. During the Academy Awards, Jon Stewart joked that he enjoyed "Walk The Line" the first time he saw it when it was called "Ray". And, you know what? He was right. Same story, different races.
This movie was good, but was not Oscar good. If I had seen it in the theater, I wouldn't have been disappointed. But seeing it at home, on DVD, it was absolutely worth the time. Rent it. Good movie.
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