Monday, February 13, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

I saw Brokeback Mountian this past weekend and, while the performances were stellar across the board, the movie itself left me, well, rather bored.

Brokeback Mountain tells the story of Jack (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Ennis (Heath Ledger) - two cowboys who first meet in 1963 while herding sheep in Wyoming on Brokeback Mountain. (If they're herding sheep, are they sheepboys?) These two men develop a romantic relationship that stretches into a life-long bond. However, due to both the times and geography, neither man is comfortable leaving their public lives of heterosexuality for the true love they have for each other.

Brokeback Mountain is based on a short story by Annie Proulx. And it is clear to me that it was a SHORT story. Brokeback Mountain - the movie - draws out this short story over 2 plus hours, when it could have been told in an hour. Long, silent portions of the film, encompassing beautiful scenery shots, seemed never-ending.

Now, I recognize that it may take a decent amount of set up to allow Jack - the more "out-of-the-closet" of the two - and Ennis to cross that line and begin a sexual relationship. However, for me, it just took too long. Once their relationship starts, the story of the rest of their lives after Brokeback Mountain is a very interesting, very compelling tale of two homosexual men from the south.

But, for me, it just took too long. I recommend this movie as a rental, absolutely. The story is a great story. But I think I'd like the short story better.

Oh, and one final note: I just don't understand the stigma that this movie generates. I tell people that I saw it, and am surprised at the people who immediately look at me questioningly. For example, I went out for a drink after the movie with the two women with whom I saw it. At the bar, we spoke with a group of young 20-something men, who instantly wondered whether I was gay because I saw Brokeback Mountain. That makes no sense. Did they wonder if I was a cowboy? No. Do they think I'm a Jedi for seeing "Star Wars"? Do they think I'm a martial arts master for seeing "Kung-Fu Hustle"? Do they think I'm an African-American Civil War soldier because I saw "Glory"?

I just don't get close-minded people.


At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am one of the 2 women that Dan saw this movie with. I agree with his reveiw completely. However, I do not agree that the guys at the bar thought he was gay b/c he saw BBM. It was because he was drinking strawberry daquiris and kept saying "faboooo!!!"

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Dan said...

Pay no attention to Krysten. She's a twunt.


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