Hey all. Now, I have NOT yet seen Poseidon, but, I know a woman who has. Valerie works with Krysten (she of the "Silent Hill" trashing). I have never personally met Val, but we've traded a few e-mails. Val is a ball-busting woman who, word has it, can fart better than most truckers. Which, personally, I find rather attractive, in a odd, troublesome kind of way. What can I say? I'm weird, and I'm a pig.
Val saw Poseidon this weekend, and, as you will see, had herself a grand old time. I suspect that whenever I see this movie (be it at the theater, or on DVD) I will enjoy it as well. Remember, people: This is a summer action/disaster movie. This ain't The Color Purple, for crying out loud!
Without further ado, here's Val:
If ever you have been on a modern-day cruise ship, you feel every shake and shimmy of Poseidon as it is turned over by a very large tsunami-like wave in the ocean.
Very quick character building in the first 15 or so minutes of the movie. The director captures the magnitude and massiveness of a 1,000 foot long party vessel that is voyaging on New Year's Eve. The six story lobbies, with glass elevators, the two and three story dining rooms, the disco, ... every room, ...every hall, depicted perfectly.
Parties and dancing come to a halt as the ship is slowly churned to its side and eventually ends up completely upside down afloat in the ocean. As the passengers are told to remain calm since rescue parties should arrive in several hours, there are of course a handful of passengers that include Richard Dreyfus and Kurt Russell that choose to find their own way out instead of staying in the main room of the ship with several hundred other people. The movie follows them as they risk their lives, to save them, the ship filling behind them with water.
I found myself holding my breath each time they had to swim through water without air pockets. I found my hands getting clammy, and my body getting hot in reaction to the movie.
Dan again. Wow. Her body was getting hot in reaction to the movie. I may very well have to take a date to see this one! Too bad Val's married!