An Inconvenient Truth

So I went online to the old stand-by: On Rotten Tomatoes, there are 126 positive reviews for "Truth" and 10 bad reviews. I wondered about the political leanings of the critics who didn't like this film.
First, let me point out that, with the notable exceptions of The New York Post, the remaining nine negative reviews all come from such stalwart media juggernauts that include, The, Internet Reviews, Film Threat, 7M Pictures, and
And, while I haven't read all the bad reviews, I've perused a few, and came up with some really wonderful chestnuts of idiotic logic that clearly show that these people hate the messenger, as well as the message. This one is my favorite:
"Moreover, it isn't clear that slightly warmer temperatures are bad. Some studies have suggested that it would produce a longer growing season, thus being a net plus for the planet. Of course, none of these opposing theories are presented in Al Gore's documentary, other than the times he ridicules those who disagree with him with a mocking tone, suggesting that they must be idiots." Steve Rhodes, Internet Reviews.
Yeah, that's right. Global warming is GOOD for the planet!! How could Al Gore have NOT mentioned this "opposing theory"? Gee, Steve, maybe because it's RETARDED??
Other negative reviewers focus on the claims that humans are causing global warming:
"Global warming is one of the left's pet projects. Consistent therewith the film complains that the United States is one of the two advanced countries who have not signed on to the Kyoto Protocol, another of the left's more boring refrains." Tony Medley,
Gee, I wonder who Tony voted for?
You see, An Inconvenient Truth isn't about who is causing global warming. It's about the fact that our country, once the leader in innovation, is doing nothing about it. Hell, even China has stronger emissions restrictions on its vehicles that the USA.
People are so quick in this country to lay blame that they don't bother trying to fix the problem. It's all about "Whose fault is it?", rather than "How can we fix it?"
This movie tries to get the leaders of the world to even ASK the last question.
I thought you'd be a big fan of global warming. Imagine an upstate NY summer that lasts 6 whole weeks!
As an aside, find a way to catch up on Heroes. I'm having a blast with it, but nobody else will admit to watching it.
Dude, I watch Heroes religiously every week! My favorite show on TV!
Heroes and Studio 60 are both fantastic!
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