Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
This movie is a faithful adaptation of the Roald Dahl book (with the addition of a very decent backstory for Willy Wonka). We all know the story, so I won't bother with the set up.
Alright, first off: In spite of what many critics (including, most notably, Roger Ebert) have said, Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka in no way reminded me of Michael Jackson. Yes, he's weird. Yes, he's a recluse who lives in a fantasy world. And yes, he opens up his home to children. All that is true. However, there is one HUGE difference. Willy Wonka hates children. He doesn't even bother to learn their names (which leads to some funny moments with Wonka hollering, "Little girl! Little boy!"). Yes, there is the "grand prize" for one of the children, but it is for the child who, in Wonka's words, is the "least obnoxious". Wonka does not like children, families, or people in general.
The child actors are all great - especially Freddie Highmore as Charlie. The Oompa Loompas are fantastic, as well. They are all played by the same actor (Indian actor Deep Roy), and are very tiny.
But what I liked the most about the movie was its entire feel. It has captured perfectly the bizarre world (both outside and inside the factory) from Dahl's book. It looks beautiful. It is funny. It is a great, fun movie.
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