Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Wow, did this movie blow.

I rented this unrated version of a supposed "slasher" movie, expecting to see a mediocre horror flick with lots of teenagers getting killed. What I got was a piece of crap "thriller" that remained PG quality in terms of violence, and starred actors who all looked old enough to be well into their twenties, playing rich high schoolers in a private "prep" school.

Oh, and Jon Bon Jovi also appeared in it as a journalism teacher. Had I known that JBJ was in it, my expectations would have been reduced accordingly.

Anyway, a group of 8 or so "popular" students decide to play a "lying game" by spreading a rumor that a woman killed in town was a victim of a serial killer (a.k.a. "The Wolf"). Unsurprisingly, more victims start to turn up, and "The Wolf" starts instant messaging one of the "popular" students (a.k.a. "The New Kid").

This movie sucked. It was boring. It was uninspired. It was stupid, stupid, stupid. If you watch it, let me know so I can laugh at you.


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