Batman Begins
Batman Begins is a superhero movie that takes itself seriously - and rightly so. Finally, a Batman movie has come along that captures how dark and brooding Batman is supposed to be. This is a great film. So far, it is THE movie to see this summer.
Batman Begins is a giant do-over of the previous, ever-worsening Batman movies. Pretend that the first Batman films (starring Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, and George Clooney) never existed. And smile. Because that was the only way that a good Batman film could have been made. Never in my life had I seen a franchise plummet from such an auspicious start to drivel.
Christian Bale is the best Batman and Bruce Wayne to date (Sorry, Michael Keaton!). Michael Caine is a standout as Alfred. Hell, even Katie Holmes serves her purpose.
The script is fantastic. The Batman origin is explained in detail. Why a bat? Where'd he get the suit? Where'd he get the Batmobile? What's the story with the Batcave? And "where did he get all those marvelous toys?" All these questions are answered.
I could go on and on about this movie, but the bottom line is: This isn't a great action film - it's a great FILM.
See it. You will not be disappointed.
I do agree that this movie rocked, and is probably one of the best Batman movies in the series,(if it should be included as part of the series), but you can't throw out the first Batman with Keaton and Nicholson. Now I would be in favor of a sequel with Bale and a NEW Joker, because it was such a great Batman/action movie that dared to be serious with just enough comic taste.
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