Monday, March 28, 2005

The Ring 2

I was one of those people that enjoyed "The Ring", while at the same time not understanding completely all the hype that surrounded it. "The Ring" was a serviceable scary movie. It had its jumps; it had its scary moments; hell, it even had a creepy, black-and-whitish dead girl ("CBAWDG" for short) climbing out of a well (and a television screen).

You will recall that, in "The Ring", CBAWDG only presented herself (and killed people) 7 days after the person watched a videotape. In this sequel, the videotape is all but gone, present only in the inevitable opening scene. Now, CBAWDG wants a mother, and apparently the only one available is Naomi Watts. The same little kid actor is back playing Naomi Watts' son. In "The Ring", the kid called his mother "Rachel" rather than Mom. In "The Ring 2", they use that little bit of info to announce to the audience when the kid is possessed by CBAWDG. (For only when CBAWDG is in control does the kid call Naomi "Mommy".)

The movie was ok. It had a couple spooky moments, and I never get tired of that spooky, stop-action style of filming that makes ghosts move all herky-jerky. Totally creeps me out. But the film ends with a lot of unanswered questions. I can understand if they didn't answer the questions to keep the issues open-ended, but it comes off more as sloppy writing than anything else.

In the end, this movie offered nothing new to the genre. You don't see CBAWDG kill anyone on screen. In fact, the actual deaths in the movie are very few (I can think of only a couple). It rates an "Eh".


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